Each photograph in this collection represents an intriguing perspective on London, a perspective that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, the overlooked into the celebrated. It's a body of urban art, a testament to the profound artistic potential hidden within the urban fabric.
These abstract images from London have not merely served as standalone art but have also been instrumental in enhancing many performances of spoken word. The synergy between the visual and the spoken word, each created simultaneously, offers a unique multisensory experience. It is a synthesis of words and images, weaving a narrative that transcends traditional boundaries and offers an immersive journey through the abstract landscapes of London.
This collection invites you to explore London through a different lens, one that unearths the beauty in the ordinary, the abstract in the everyday. It is an invitation to see the city not as a place but as a living, breathing work of art.
Welcome to "Abstract London: Unveiling the Unseen Urban Art."
also see the video 'Anatomy of a Slide Show'

Nuvole Di Parole in Angel

Inconsitenza Turchese in Angel

Burned Waste Bin Vauxhall 1

Graffiti on Burned Waste Bin Vauxhall 1
Graffiti Detail in Shoreditch 1
Graffiti Detail in Shoreditch 2
Blue Bottle in Covent Garden
Graffiti Detail in Shoreditch 3
Graffiti Detail in Shoreditch 4

Burned Waste Bin Vauxhall 2

Burned Waste Bin Vauxhall 2 signed